Mein modern eingerichtetes Schlafzimmer ist fertig! Und es ist höchste Zeit, es mit dir hier auf dem Interior Blog zu teilen. Es ist eine Mischung aus Scandi Style, grüner Pflanzenoase und warmen Tönen. Die durch wunderschöne Poster von Dear Sam ergänzt werden. Tauche mit mir ein in meinem kleinen Wohntraum und genieße die liebevoll ausgesuchten Details.
beiger Mantel | schwarze Hose | beiges T-Shirt | lilafarbiger Cardigan | schwarze Stiefeletten | schwarzer Shopper | Vitamin C Serum | Parfum
Wöchentlich neue Outfit-Picks! Ab sofort findet ihr unter der Kategorie Mode hier auf dem Outfitblog die Monday's Finest. Eine Auswahl von aktuellen Kleidungsstücken aus den Onlineshops, die ich für euch zu wunderschönen Looks kreiere habe. Den Anfang macht ein Winter Outfit, das durch seinen casual Chicness überzeugt. Wo ihr meine Auswahl nachkaufen könnt, das verrate ich euch gleich.
Ein Sommer ohne das passende Sommerkleid - einfach undenkbar. Für mich ist das Sommerkleid wohl der Begleiter schlechthin. Nie könnte ich einen Sommer ohne es verbringen. Dafür liebe ich es viel zu sehr. In so einem Kleid genieße ich die warme Sommerluft auf meinen Körper am liebsten. Genau deshalb stelle ich euch heute ein Sommer Outfit mit elegantem Midikleid hier auf dem Modeblog vor. Ein Sommerkleid, das durch sein elegantes Auftreten besticht und dennoch perfekt für den Alltag ist.
Obwohl ich mich outfittechnisch schon voll auf den Herbst eingestimmt habe, möchte ich heute mit euch einen kleinen Blick zurück auf meine Sommer Outfits werfen. Ich habe euch ein Outfit Lookbook mit meinen schönsten Sommerkleidern zusammengestellt und zeige euch außerdem, wie ihr auf die geliebten Sommerkleider auch im Herbst nicht verzichten müsst.
It's autumn now and the upcoming winter season starts in a few weeks. For that I show you an autumn outfit with a midi dress. I combined the look with jeans and leather jacket because winter is coming fast. I need a warm uniform with a kind of chicness to feel comfy in the cold season. Shortly I would say I present you a cozy style with midi dress and leather jacket for cold days in autumn and winter.
On cold days I need a warm uniform to feel comfy. Such an outfit I'll show you today. The most important part of such a style is the sweater. In this season I'm wearing the oversize model in combination with the mom jeans several times a week. One of my favorite oversize style at the moment I'll show you today. Have a look on my autumn outfit with an oversize sweater.
Autumn is coming to Germany. So I decided to rearrange my wardrobe for the upcoming autumn/winter season. Bye my lovely summer dresses and hello warm turtlenecks. One of my favorite autumn colors is burgundy. I'm so in love with this color, especially in autumn the color is perfect. Therefore I style an outfit with checked blazer, midi skirt and turtleneck. Do you like it?
Do you know autumn is my favorite season? I love the colorful nature, the leaves on the ground and the fresh wind in my hair. Also, I love to style my outfit with typically autumn colors. For me such a color is blue. Besides of blue, I'm in love with bodies. Especially a satin body in blue with a floral pattern. Therefore I present you an outfit with a satin body, black blazer and skinny jeans on my fashion blog.
September is over. Now it is time to start a new fashion season. Autumn is calling and it's time to rearrange our closes. But first I show you my favorite styles of the last month. Have a look at my outfit review September.
For today's outfit I mixed up my new Topshop mom jeans with my old leather jacket. The jacket is also from topshop but I bought it last year. I love this leather jeans combination for autumn and winter. Also, I like to combine old fashion pieces with new one.
trousers | blouse | sneakers | bag | glasses
Sorry for the silence here on my fashion blog Kleidermaedchen. I moved into a new apartment and it was a little bit chaotic in the last weeks. Maybe you know the drill. But now I'm back with a new outfit post. This style I have stowed in my suitcase so it was super easy to find all pieces I need for the look. In contrast, my other clothes are deeply hidden in boxes and I can't find it know.

Off-Shoulder Bluse | Jeans | Tasche | Adiletten | Sonnenbrille
Today I present you a spring outfit with off-shoulder top, Adidas Adiletten and Destroyed Jeans. It's a look for everyday, cozy and stylish.April is over. Now tt's time to show you my favourite looks of the Month April. I present you cozy style and also elegant looks, too. One of my favourite outfit of April is the pastel look with destroyed jeans. I love the gently colour of the look. I hope you like my styles, too. Let me know which style do you like mostly.
trenchcoat | trouserse | dress | bag | jumper | sunglasses | watch | ballerinas
Spring is coming and with him my passion for trenchcoat styles. It is not my first outfit with a trenchcoat here on Kleidermaedchen. I have shown you some another Trenchcoat styles with a black and a pink model. Today I present you an outfit with black ones. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you like the trenchcoat style.coat | shirt | trousers | sneakers | bag | watch
Today I show you my new fashion buys. At first my brown trousers from asos and secondly my beige wool coat by Zara. A similar coat I own in black and brown, too. I love both of the warm coats. Today I present you a street style outfit, that I dress on cold winter days.
Today you can watch a brand new outfit video. I show you my last outfit style with Nike Air Max Thea sneakers, Zara coat and turtleneck. From know on I present you two videos in a week about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Do you like my outfit and video? Let me know!
coat | turtleneck | jumper | trousers | bag | sneakers | lip stick
Hello, Monday! At the beginning of the week, I try out a cosy style with a grey turtleneck, Zara coat and my brand new Nike Air Max Thea sneakers. I'm in love with this kind of sneakers because of the contrast between black and with.coat | turtleneck | blouse | Ssunglasses | Tbag | sneakers | jeans
Spring ist my favorite season of the year, because it is neither too hot nor too cold. The weather is perfect to go outside in nature and enjoy the sun. My today's look is perfect to do this adventure on a sunny but cold day. Therefore, I wear a spring outfit with Converse All Star chucks, Mango turtleneck and Fossil bag.coat | turtleneck | trousers | sweater | scarf | sneakers | shopper | sunglasses
Today I present you an outfit in Pantone trend color rose quartz. I show you on my fashion blog how I combine the trend color in an outfit.